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High School Teaching Experience

Before I began my journey at Tyndale University, I taught at numerous private secondary schools for international students in the GTA. My colleagues and students inspired me to take the next step in becoming an Ontario certified teacher and realized I was following my dream! Below are some images of my time working at Yorkland High School!

Holiday DNA Door Decoration Contest!

This image showcases the the door that my Grade 11 Biology students (Yorkland High School) had decorated for the door decoration contest during the holidays. We came in first place! Student-teacher engagement has always been a priority of mine and being able to complete engaging activities that support curriculum learning goals is always a bonus!

Trip to Wonderland!

This image showcases the Grade 11/12 trip to Wonderland during one of our summer courses offered at Yorkland High School. It was a great opportunity to build student-teacher engagement while having the best time! 


During Grade 11 Biology, students were asked to represent a prokaryotic cell and this was used as their diagnostic assessment. Students were asked to show their creativity by writing/drawing what they remember about these types of cells. This student decided to draw an incredible image, while labelling, and colouring the parts. This indicated to me what material needs to be covered next.

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All About Me

To help students get to know each other better, I gave them an assignment where they shared their passions, favorite movies, life goals, and global issues they care about. This activity encouraged self-reflection and promoted empathy and connection within the classroom. Students discovered common interests and diverse perspectives, enriching our learning environment. The exercise highlighted the importance of building a cohesive and engaged community.

Trip to Blue Mountain!

Our trip to Blue Mountain with the Grade 9 to 12 students was a fantastic way to build community engagement.  These shared experiences not only strengthened our bonds but also made us feel more connected to the community.


A Lesson for Ms. Milonas

In this photo I was learning about the Chinese family tree and its Mandarin terminology. I expanded on my cultural knowledge and also had the opportunity to bond with my students as they share about their Chinese heritage. The collaborative experience strengthened my connection with my students, enhancing mutual respect and appreciation in the classroom.

Illustration of the Heart and Its Chambers

This image displays the labelled components of the heart in which this biology student was able to draw out a very detailed representation of it. They distinguished the different parts by colour coding and were able to orally explain the flow of blood. This shows me their understanding using triangulation as my assessment tool. 


U of T Scholarship Recipient!

One of my students had been awarded a scholarship for her outstanding performance in Grade 12 Physics. This achievement reflects her dedication and hard work throughout the course. To commemorate this significant milestone, we took a photo together, capturing the joy of this special occasion.

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